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Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Do you have a personal injury case?

If you are hurt and think somebody else is to blame, these simple questions will help you assess your case:

WHO could be held liable? Did the wrongdoing of somebody else cause or contribute to your injury, and whose was it?

WHAT is the extend of your injury? Is it permanent or temporary? Did you lose time from work? How much? How much money did you spend on medical bills; how much do you owe? Did you suffer pain or emotional trauma?

WHERE did the injury happen? This affects who can be found liable. For example, did it happen at work, in a mall, or a highway?

WHEN did it happen? If you wait too long to file a claim, you may be out of luck because of rules setting deadlines for filing. In some cases, these rules require making a claim in six months or shorter.
blb (205)912-8248

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